2016年5月29日 星期日





After 4 years’ English teaching experience, I realize that learning from the Internet or search around English teaching activities solely does not make me a professional teacher. Thinking critically and having perspectives can pave my way to be a batter educator. Therefore, I decided to undertake graduate studies in Children English teaching here.

這段是在說明我就讀研究所的理由。於是,我把這一整段整理在自己準備口試的檔案中,歸類為「自我介紹、就讀研究所的理由」。也就是說,如果教授要我自我介紹或是要我說明就讀研究所的理由,我就會把這段拿出來說。不過,畢竟面試是面對面的情景,所以我會多加一句話:I am ___. You can call me ___. I am an English teacher in ___ elementary school now.之後再說After 4 years' English...I decided to undertake graduate studies in Children English teaching here.


比如說,我在自傳裡只有輕輕地提到My biggest ambition is to encourage and motivate my students. I want to let them know that learning English could be fun.在準備面試時,我會回想自己在教學現場曾有過的、印象深刻的師生互動—最好是要有衝突、有挑戰、有自己的努力、有學生的改變—然後把這個故事套進待答題目中

比如說,我自己設計了一題:What difficulties have you encountered when learning English? How to motivate low-motivation students?(因為我在自傳中有提到My biggest ambition is to encourage and motivate my students. )


Let me tell you a story. (誰不喜歡聽故事)I have a student whose name is ___. When I first saw him, his cool and indifferent face (描述一下學生的長相、增加一點臨場感)told me at once that he was not interested in English. He fell asleep almost every time in the class. When I tried to wake him up he even swore at me. But I don’t want to give him up. I want to let him know that he is not alone. I wake him up in every class. And I observe his learning condition carefully. I found that he wake up every time when we have a game in the class. I realized that he likes to play games just like other kids do. So, I started to put lots of English board game in my class to create opportunities for different level students to play and learn with each other in a small group. (展現自己為學生的努力)Surprisingly, ___ woke up and started to join the activity with his group members. Though, he didn’t want to speak English at first. I still believe that he would give it a try when he is ready. One day, I heard him speak out a word, I praised him and encourage him to talk more. Gradually, Henry does not fall asleep in my class. He became the one who can participate in the class.(對比學生前後的改變) I can see his confident smile when he has a chance to learn and to be succeeded. ___’s story reminds me the reason why I want to be a teacher. I want to create opportunities for students with low achievement. I want them to be involved in my class. I want to give them chance to be succeeded and to trust themselves again.(再次強調自己的企圖) To sum up, I believe every kid wants to be seen in the class. And the best way to motivate students is to give them opportunities to get involved in learning activities and to light them up in the class. (有時間最好做個總結)











1. 自我介紹、為何我們要錄取你(我憑印象寫,原文當然不是這樣)


但「為什麼要錄取我?」這個問題我有點來不及反應。於是我把事先準備好原本要用在做整場面試的結論拿出來用:I would like to summarize that I am positive and hard working. I am willing to learn. I will do my best and I believe that I am the one you want.

I would like to tell you that I am positive and hard working. I am willing to learn. I will do my best and I believe that I am the one you want. So, please give me a chance to be your student and to learn from you.

總之就是展現強烈的企圖心和信心!當我說出I would like to tell you的時候,我發現原本低頭評分的教授抬起頭來看著我,我用更堅定的眼神繼續說完全部,發現坐在隔壁的教授給了我一個微笑。

2. 我忘記有沒有被問到第二個問題了...



1. 如何提升學生學習動機?(大概是因為我的自我介紹中有提到「動機」)

我就把上面準備好How to motivate low-motivation students?的答案拿出來用。

2. 繪本在教學現場扮演的角色?

我沒有準備這一題,所以只有簡單說了一下繪本給予大量language input之類的...

3. 如何教程度落差的學生?


我原本預設的題目是:Talk about the teaching program “ Open your mouth, speak and smile”or What difficulties have you encountered when teaching English?
*the teaching program “ Open your mouth, speak and smile”讓我在苗栗時得到教育部資訊融入創新教學應用團隊全國入選,是我個人職涯的亮點,一定要拿出來講!於是我設計了這一題(結果沒被問到,我只好自己硬塞)


When I was an English teacher in Miaoli, I founded that most of my students have low motivation since they lack chance to practice English in life. To make my teaching more effective and attractive, I have integrated technology in my English classroom. For example, I introduced my students to “ real” English from variety of sources, such as video, radio, and website. I always remember that there was a little girl who was not good at English. After I showed an English song “ How’s the weather?” to my class. She seemed to like the song. She could sing the song alone. When I saw her smiling face and when I heard her singing, I know that she enjoyed my class. Furthermore, for the high-level students, I also create opportunities for them to generate content with different level students. For instance, I asked my students to make an English short film with group members. They cooperated with teammates to come up with a script, and recorded the presentation at the end. So, I think integrating technology in English class and let the different level students work with each other might be a way.

  Through the process, learning transferred from receiving to giving. My kids looked up dictionary on line and made sentences on their own. The kids who were reluctant to speak English could give it a try when they need to record their voice in the video. They even asked me “ Teacher, could I try again?” because they want to show their best in the video. My English class became one of their most anticipated classes because it is fun! My students’ progress made me believe that it is possible to motivate them by integrating technology in English classroom. (這段是我原本準備好,但沒有說的)

4. 你認為國小教師的責任是什麼?

到這一題的時候,我已經沒有太多時間回答。我只簡單說了讓學生融入於課堂中、讓他們喜歡英文。其實我事後想想,如果我當時知道自己時間不夠,我乾脆就說Never give up!好了!哈哈!(雖然現場會有提醒鈴聲,但當時實在太緊張,根本沒法理會提醒鈴聲啊)


我事後想想,覺得自己準備研究所面試的回答,有些還是帶有準備教甄面試的影子,比如說His story just remind me the reason why I want to be a teacher...,也許會顯得不夠切合主題。回答的長度也拿捏的不夠準確...這些都是可以再改進的地方。


4 則留言:

  1. 謝謝你的分享,可以約你見面請教嗎?謝謝

  2. 我想特地來謝謝您,我是今天面試兒教所的考生,您的準備的資料仍然命中率70%,因為今年多時事題,Covid-19對我的生活的影響。和我prefer線上還是實體上課。 您準備的詳細題目和大題方式,真的幫大忙,非常謝謝您!

  3. 您好!我是今年的考生,不知道能否與您信箱連繫,想請教這幾年雙語教學和肺炎等新的時事題如何準備,也想了解更多所內課程具體情形,謝謝!

  4. 您好!我是想準備這次考試的考生,想請教您英語朗讀的部分該準備哪方面的文章或是怎麼練習會比較好,如果方便的話可以與您用信箱聯絡嗎?真的很感謝您這麼用心的準備此文章,對我的考試準備很多!
